
Let Go and Let God

College Blog Friday, 24 Mar 2023

In the midst of life's challenges and uncertainties, it can be easy to lose sight of our faith. But trusting God in all circumstances is essential for finding peace, purpose, and hope amidst the struggles we face. It requires surrendering our fears and doubts to God, letting go of control, and trusting in His unfailing love and wisdom.

Trusting God means believing that He has a plan and purpose for our lives, even when we cannot see or understand it. It means acknowledging that God is sovereign over all things and that He is working all things together for our good, even in the midst of trials and hardships. It means having faith that God's promises are true and that He will always provide for our needs.

But trusting God is sometimes easier said than done. It requires us to confront our deepest fears and insecurities and to surrender our desires and plans to His will. It means letting go of our need for control and trusting in God's timing and direction. And it means putting our faith into action by seeking God's guidance, obeying His commands, and stepping out in faith even when it feels uncomfortable or uncertain. Jeremiah 29:11 states, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." This verse reminds us that God has a purpose for our lives and that we can trust Him to guide us on our journey. 

Trusting God is not a one-time decision but a daily practice. It requires continually surrendering our hearts and minds to God and a willingness to let Him lead us through every circumstance. When we trust in God, we can find peace in the midst of chaos, hope in the face of uncertainty, and joy in the knowledge that we are never alone. The Bible reminds us of God's faithfulness and assures us that He will never leave or forsake us. In Hebrews 13:5, we read, “Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, ‘Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.’”

So let us trust in God today and every day, knowing He is faithful and true. Let us place our hope and confidence in His promises and walk forward in faith, knowing that He will guide and sustain us through every circumstance.

Dee Fulcher
Head of Primary Years